Welcome to Ace's random photo blog

Welcome to Ace’s random photography blog.
What you’ll find in this blog:
- Opinions on the photo industry and marketplace
- Opinions on the state of social media groups
- Very occasional behind the scenes posts on some of the projects I’m working on or have worked on
- Inspirational stories for some of the projects I’ve been working on
- Occasional random musings on photography
- Discussions around tea
- Some of my journalism work as it happens

About me:
I’m a Seattle based photographer, originally from the Bay Area.

I got my start in photography when my mother’s family started an event planning business, and my mother wanted photographs of the decorations and table settings for their events. With my little point and shoot, I would just snap photos, not knowing what would happen or how they would turn out. Eventually I suggested I take a photo class in college so that I could at least figure out what the hell I was doing. My first photo class was fun, and I learned so much from it, but I still didn’t understand ISO and how it correlated with my shutter speed, lighting, and aperture.

My family’s business was short lived and went out of business shortly after, but I was already hooked on photography. I bought my first DSLR, a Nikon D40, and started playing around with what I learned in that photo class. A few months later, I became interested in Journalism and enrolled in a photojournalism course. I learned more about candid photography and how to compose photos for portraits and candid shots. I still was lost with ISO.

I continued with journalism when I enrolled at San Francisco State University, but my focus was not on photography. I continued my passion on my own and redirected my education to writing.

Upon graduating, I had a few gigs in photojournalism, but I stayed away from doing photography as a profession because I didn’t want to lose my passion.

I’ve kept photography as a side business, and kept it more of a passion hobby.

Now I’m based in Seattle, and work in the non-profit sector, using my photography skills from time to time at my job and do occasional projects for friends and clients.

I’m always down to collaborate with new models, of all genders, races, body types, etc. Feel free to message me with project ideas.